Koluman Notice Statement

As Koluman Otomotiv Endüstri A.Ş., we prioritize among our responsibilities to act in accordance with all applicable laws and other regulations, not to enter into any unethical commercial relationship, to protect all kinds of property rights, to respect and comply with the ethical rules not only of Koluman but also of other companies we do business with.

In order to better fulfill these responsibilities, we kindly ask you to share with us the issues that you see and we cannot see. The notifications you make to us will be shared only with the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Compliance Manager of the company, will be evaluated carefully and honestly, and utmost care will be taken for confidentiality.

You can make your notifications by filling out the notification form below. You may also send a letter, email or phone call to our contact addresses.

We strongly encourage you to provide a phone number and/or email address where we can reach you.

Notification Form

Fields indicated with * are mandatory.

If you want to keep your name and surname anonymous, you can write “Anonymous” in this box.

Note: We kindly request not to use content that contains insult, humiliation and ridicule. Within the scope of KVKK, do not share information containing sensitive personal data (race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, association, foundation or union membership, health, data on sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, biometric and genetic data). In addition, do not share information and data about competitors, whether true or false, with a known or uncertain source, or in violation of competition law.