Frequently Asked Questions

For the positions sought for blue-collar recruitment, technical evaluations are carried out face-to-face by the relevant department at the factory. Candidates whose technical evaluation is positive meet face-to-face with the Manager of the relevant department. After a positive response from the Department Manager, the candidate meets face-to-face with the Human Resources and Facility Management Manager. After the approval of the Human Resources and Facility Management Manager, the approval of the General Manager is obtained. After this step, an offer is made to the candidate. The Recruitment Document List is shared with the candidate who accepts our offer. The candidate who prepares his/her documents checks the health documents of the workplace physician and evaluates his/her suitability for the job, and the appropriate start date is clarified for the candidate who is found suitable.

When recruiting for blue-collar positions at KOE, an announcement is made through İŞKUR Directorate. Candidates who receive information about the need through İŞKUR messages are expected to come directly to the factory and apply for a job. In addition, applications are accepted for the required positions by posting an advertisement on and

Applications are accepted for internship recruitment at KOE by opening an advertisement on Our advertisements are also published on Koluman Otomotiv Endüstri Aş. Linkedin account as well. Link:

For the positions sought for blue-collar recruitment, technical evaluations are carried out face-to-face by the relevant department at the factory. Candidates whose technical evaluation is positive meet face-to-face with the Manager of the relevant department. After a positive response from the Department Manager, the candidate meets face-to-face with the Human Resources and Facility Management Manager. After the approval of the Human Resources and Facility Management Manager, the approval of the General Manager is obtained. After this step, an offer is made to the candidate. The Recruitment Document List is shared with the candidate who accepts our offer. The candidate who prepares his/her documents checks the health documents of the workplace physician and evaluates his/her suitability for the job, and the appropriate start date is clarified for the candidate who is found suitable.


In white-collar recruitment, after the resumes in the candidate pool are evaluated by the HR Specialist and the managers of the relevant department requesting the need, the HR Specialist conducts the first interview with the suitable candidates. Interview notes are shared by the HR Specialist with the relevant department managers. In line with the approval from the managers, the technical phase begins. At this stage, online / face-to-face interviews are held with the relevant Department Manager and Manager respectively. The candidate who completes the relevant department process positively makes an interview with the HR Manager and is invited to the final stage of online / face-to-face interview with KOE General Manager. As a result of the positive result of the interview, a reference check is made with the reference information that the candidate will provide - the information of the supervisor or colleague he / she has worked with before. After the positive result of the check, the candidate is offered a job via e-mail. If the candidate accepts, the Recruitment Document List is shared. The candidate, who prepares his/her documents, evaluates his/her suitability for the job by checking the health documents of the workplace physician, and the appropriate start date is clarified for the candidate who is found suitable.


In internship recruitment, an online test is sent to candidates who meet the internship acceptance criteria. The content of the test includes questions that they will answer by adding both technical and personal comments and sections where they choose the 3 units they would prefer to do internship. At the end of the time given to answer the questions, the answers are shared with the departments preferred by the candidates. After an online interview is conducted with the candidates selected according to the scoring given by the departments, the actual list is created, and the list of required documents is sent to the selected candidates first by phone and then by e-mail.

The qualifications and competencies sought in candidates are specified in our advertisements.

The documents we request from our candidates who accept our offer are shared as a list. These documents

- documents to be obtained from health institutions

- Documents to be obtained from the candidate's last workplace or previous workplaces

- The documents to be prepared by the candidate (many of which will be obtained through e-government) can be divided into main headings.

The orientation program at KOE starts from the moment the candidate accepts the offer.

The process of our white collars' acclimatization to the company gains speed with the buddy application. Before the date of employment, the information of our colleague who is designated as a buddy and the information of our colleague who will be hired is shared mutually. Buddy is a social friend assigned to help the employee to adapt to the company. In addition, documents and information about company presentation and procedures are shared with the person in order for the employee to get to know the company before the start date.

Blue-collar, white-collar and interns receive Occupational Health and Safety, Environment, Information Security Management System and Quality Management System-Continuous Improvement trainings on their first day of work.

Our blue-collar employees' adaptation to the company continues with the guidance of team leaders in their departments and on-the-job trainings.

Within a certain period of time after the start of work, other units are introduced.

Our company is the first company to receive the title of R&D Center among the enterprises in Mersin.

While joint studies are carried out in our company within the scope of University-Industry cooperation, our employees are also supported for their postgraduate education. In line with the approvals of their managers, they are entitled to 1 day off per week for their master's or doctoral studies in line with their course programs.

The positions needed in our company are published in the factory through internal announcements. Our employees who want to apply apply by applying to the HR Department. The rotation process is completed by evaluating the relevant Department Manager, the Department Manager they want to transfer to, and the General Manager in line with their approval and competencies.

We have a long-term and short-term “KOExperience Internship” program for our university interns. The long term internship program is an internship program where 4th year students, who pass as compulsory workplace training in the last semester of universities, gain experience in our factory between October-January (Fall Semester) and February-June (Spring Semester).

Short-term internship opportunity is the internship program where students studying in the 3rd or 4th grade of universities gain experience in our factory ranging between 20-30 working days within the scope of compulsory internship programs. Our interns must be hired by their schools.

Vocational high school students have the opportunity to do internship in our departments such as Painting Shop, Welding, Assembly, Maintenance, Financial Affairs within the scope of the vocational training program in their last year and if they meet the insurance of their school.

We have many friends in our staff who have done internship in our company in the past years. In positions where we can evaluate new graduate candidates, our first choice is our interns who have previously interned in our company.